Ammi b. Abba

For the sixth generetion Amora sage also of Babylon, see Rami b. Abba (II).
Rabbinical Eras

Rammi bar Abba [1] (or Rammi B. Abba [1] [2][= an abbreviation of R. Ammi b. Abba [3][4]], or Rammi bar Abba I[5]) was a third generation Amora sage of Babylon, and a disciple of Rav Huna. He transmitted to his generation many enactments of R. Jose ben Halafta in Sepphoris, among them: a woman shall not walk in the street while her son is behind her, owing to an incident that once happened, when immoral men kidnapped a child which was following his mother, and she was searching for him, then they lured her into a house, telling her he was there, and there assaulted her.[6] Another enactment: women while in the closet should talk to one another for the sake of privacy from the intrusion of men,[6] which is illegal due to the prohibition of Yichud. He cites Rav Huna's work, whom was probably his teacher Rabbi. He engaged a lot in Aggadic issues.[7]


  1. ^ a b Sanhedrin, 19a [1]
  2. ^ sometimes spelled: Rami b. Abba [2]
  3. ^ Nedarim, 32a [3]
  4. ^ TANNAIM AND AMORAIM,; List (Ammi b. Abba (B))
  5. ^ Aaron Hyman, Toledot tannaʿim ve-amoraʾim, III, p. 1100
  6. ^ a b Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, 19a
  7. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Nedarim, 32a